Hiking Ice Breaker Games

Whether its hiking around a country village or hiking up Everest, you need to ensure that you enjoy it and make the most of the experience. Hiking can be a very rewarding and enjoyable experience, however, for some hiking can be a monotonous, boring walk. This is especially true with children. Hiking is often a wonderful family activity but children or youngsters can often become bored and tired, causing the experience to be a negative one. The health benefits of hiking are endless and the challenge of hiking up a hill or conquering a tricky wood is extremely rewarding.
There are many challenges to face when hiking and some, depending on the hike, can be quite demoralizing. That is why keeping morale up, staying motivated and supporting others are essential to reaching a goal or target. The ice breaker game is an effective way to keep those struggling motivated and to connect as a group. Whether it’s a hiking club or simply going for a group hike it can be a good idea to incorporate some interesting games and tasks to ensure everyone is happy and enjoying themselves.
Here are some simple ice breaker games that can be used for adults and children when hiking:
Can You Spot It?
This simple ice breaker game is one of the most effective activities to keep people interested and motivated when hiking. Children find this ice breaker game extremely enjoyable as it breaks up the monotony of a hike and provides them with a goal. When planning a hike circle or list a variety of landmarks, animals in the area, trees etc. This list should then be duplicated (enough for everyone in the group) and distributed. Then explain that as you hike everyone should try and look out for things on the list and if they see one, they should tick the box next to it. Towards the end of the hike the person who has seen the most things on the list is the winner. You could make it even more fun by providing a prize to the winner – this is especially effective when hiking with children as the prize acts as an incentive. This is also a great ice breaker game for adults as it helps people interact and you will find that they help each other find the things on the list.Find Us
This ice breaker game is for the more adventurous but can be played by anyone. Before the hike instruct the group to split into two. Instruct one group to start the hike thirty minutes before the second group heads out. The first group then makes their way out into the hike trying not to leave any clues behind of their route. The second group then heads out and tries to locate the second group. This can be extremely fun and is best played in forest areas with the occasional open space. This can add excitement and adventure to the hike and allows the two groups to work together to avoid and find the other group.Business Energy With a Difference
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